Why and how should you outsource project management?

Why and how should you outsource project management? Project management: a profession based on expertise Project management involves planning, organising, directing and controlling all the activities required to complete a specific project. The aim is to achieve the objectives set within the deadlines set, while complying with resource constraints and quality requirements. Ensuring risk management […]
What are the keys to an efficient transformation of the organization?

What are the keys to an efficient transformation of the organization? How is transformation defined? It is “the action of transforming, the operation by which one transforms, the resulting modification”. The 3 important elements here are: action, operation and result. For a qualitative transformation, an organization must ACT in a more or less conscious way, […]
Quality Monitoring for customer experience and employee commitment

Quality Monitoring for customer experience and employee commitment For several years now, the customer experience has been at the heart of the concerns of the vast majority of companies and organizations, regardless of their sector of activity, their field of intervention or their size. This challenge has given rise to real transformation projects, aimed at […]
New models for the new world! A once in a lifetime opportunity for change.

New models for the new world! A once in a lifetime opportunity for change. Never waste a good crisis As many organisations entered the COVID crisis they were forced to work in new ways and achieved changes in three weeks that many said would normally take three years. The crisis tore down change barriers and […]
Compliance Solutions

Compliance Solutions Financial services and investment firms are under pressure to keep pace and comply with ever-changing regulations and the increased scope of regional legislation, such as MiFID II in Europe and the Dodd-Frank Act in the U.S. Businesses that fail to meet these stringent demands run the risk of lawsuits, penalties, costly fines, and […]