A member of the Fédération Nationale de la Mutualité Française FNMF from the outset, the France Mutuelle Group offers innovative, long-term protection solutions tailored to the needs of each and every one of its members: craftsmen, individuals, shopkeepers, self-employed professionals and businesses. A relationship based on trust, quality of service and the availability of our teams: human values are widely promoted by the brand, which today protects more than 155,000 people.
"Today, the Member Relations department handles customer reception, loyalty and claims through face-to-face, mail and remote channels. The customer portfolio is mainly made up of members over 60, 43% of whom have been loyal to France Mutuelle for over 10 years.
Véronique LUPO
Our challenge was to solve the equation of customer proximity while improving call-taking performance and efficiency.
We choseActiveo and Verint’s QM solution to support us in our project.
In 2016, we started with the implementation of call recording and listening and skills monitoring grids for teams on interviewing and communication techniques, rapidly followed by more personalized grids,” Véronique Lupo continues.
An initial phase that highlights areas for improvement in terms of the quality of the discourse. Training, a challenge, weekly follow-up and double-listening workshops were introduced. Account managers quickly became players in the system. The identification, listening and speaking phases are analyzed, shared, worked on and improved, for the most part, by the advisors themselves, who gain visibility over their own performance.
This is followed by a second phase involving the construction and use of listening grids (personalized by contact channel) via Quality Monitoring. This brings out the full functional contribution of the highly visual tool, simplifying processes and automating dashboards.
"Activeo's technical and functional experts have enabled us to gain greater autonomy in using the solution. Adherence to the principle of double listening has been greatly facilitated, and our advisors are convinced, as they are better equipped to handle their jobs. They listen to calls from their workstations, and we debrief them in the workshop. The aim is to analyze the call "humanely". After all, the member is the focus of all our attention, and his or her satisfaction is our obsession.
Véronique LUPO
"We had to get away from mechanics to give meaning and transparency to our approach. Our business is lived and positive emotion is a differentiator. At the end of the day, a smile is heard, and being able to hear it changes the game."
Véronique LUPO