RAJA: Logepal for real-time management…and visualization of business indicators

RAJA: Logepal for real-time management…and visualization of business indicators “News, weather conditions, traffic status and other contextual information are also visualized on screens and encapsulated in Logepal projects. This dynamic work environment is widely acclaimed by teams, and enables RAJA to combine employee performance and commitment, satisfaction and customer knowledge.” Sylvain MARIAU Application, Sales and […]
GROUPE FRANCE MUTUELLE: A better understanding of our business to better serve our members

GROUPE FRANCE MUTUELLE: A better understanding of our business to better serve our members “Activeo’s technical and functional experts have enabled us to gain greater autonomy in using the solution. Adherence to the principle of double listening is greatly facilitated, and the advisors are convinced because they are better equipped to live their profession.” Véronique […]
What does it take to “make things easy” for your customers?

What does it take to “make things easy” for your customers? Providing customer with seamless and enjoyable support experience is important in terms of serving customer effectively and distinguishing companies’ brand from competition. Unfortunately, there’s still a wide gap between aspiring to be it and achieving it. Customer did what was told and forward the […]
Contact Centre in the Cloud – the Multi Partner Way

Contact Centre in the Cloud – the Multi Partner Way As a part of their Cisco Live activities, Tata Communications and Cisco would like to invite you to an exclusive event where Contact Centre experts Activeo and Bucher + Suter will demonstrate how adopting the Multi Partner model can overcome many of the challenges of […]
Gamification & Customer Relationship : from consumer to customer service commitment

Gamification & Customer Relationship : from consumer to customer service commitment WIn recent years, the term gamification is being increasingly used in management manuals, marketing and more generally in literature related to business. In 2011, the American firm Gartner predicted that at the end of 2015, 50% of companies with innovative processes would « gamify » these processes. Yet […]
HOMEFRIEND: A certification process to serve & engage

HOMEFRIEND: A certification process to serve & engage “Thanks to Activeo, an expert in this area of customer relations and a member of the AFNOR standardization committee, we were able to count on unfailing guidance and support throughout the certification project.” Dominique DUMAS Head of Training and Quality in Homefriend’s Operations Department Partager ce témoignage […]