A subsidiary of the Axa group, Direct Assurance has almost 650,000 customers and is developing a strong commitment to quality and price.
Today, insurance advisors are based at three sites in Nanterre, Rennes and Rabat. As insurance specialists, they are in charge of activities linked to motor, home and health insurance, and all belong to one of the following departments: customer acquisition, customer loyalty or claims.
"At the end of 2010, we initiated a company transformation plan with high stakes whose scope encompassed the dimensions of products and services, human resources, IT, operations, ...the transformation of our human resources planning management tools was therefore at the heart of our concerns."
In fact, the increase in our portfolio, the improvement in service quality combined with the productivity gains to be achieved were the driving forces behind this project.
"We drew up a set of specifications specifying our requirements. There were many facets to it: in addition to generating forecasts and individual schedules, and planning activities by quarter-hourly intervals, we wanted to plan activities such as digital mail and email processing, daily briefings, and ongoing training, to name but a few. We also wanted to monitor adherence and calculate quality of service in relation to resources.
A total of five vendors were consulted, and the project was entrusted to Activeo for its dual technological and business expertise, and to Verint for its WFM solution, with its accomplished ergonomics and range of functions.
"We carried out a representative multi-site, multi-skill pilot - involving 130 insurance advisors and managers - orchestrated over several months. Based on a complete sampling of particularities: telephone/mail multi-skilling, multi-sites, different employment contracts, etc., this pilot proved conclusive. Activeo's teams were involved from the outset of the project, from functional workshops to the delivery of training courses. Experts and project managers fully understood our way of working, and contributed greatly to the functional and methodological enrichment of the use of such a tool. The changeover went smoothly. In the end, the objectives of increasing working comfort by generating the intra-day schedule in advance, while preserving fairness for the mail activity, were successfully achieved!
Deployment of the solution is now complete, and all functions are in use! In the end, everyone wins
In the future, Direct Assurance plans to enhance the e-learning module by creating content on new offers, guarantees or business processes, while scheduling sessions within the tool. Overtime management and HRIS integration are also under consideration. All in all, a continuous enrichment and improvement process that even involves all employees in this transformation process.
"Even though we're very satisfied with the tool's functionality, we'd like to continue optimizing it by trying out all the possibilities available to us, particularly in the context of version upgrades or feedback that we can do with Activeo."
Some key figures: